If you are interested in joining us and applying for the scholarships/fellowships below. Please feel free to contact me pinzhang@nus.edu.sg with CV (and/or transcripts, full publication list and representative papers highlighted, contacts of 2-3 referees) attached. The subject of email please follow ‘position + current affiliation + name’.
PhD Scholarships
Here is the requirements of university including GRE and IELTS/TOEFL
PhD scholarship list from NUS Graduate School
China Scholarship Council
Postdoc Fellowships
SG Academies South-East Asia Fellowship (SASEAF) Programme
NUS Fellows Programme (Southeast Asia)
Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship
Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship
China Scholarship Council
Visiting Scholar
NUS Fellows Programme (Southeast Asia)
China Scholarship Council